In response to the criminal activity reported here, and in an attempt to combat hate crime in our country... nay, in our world, I introduce the Hate Crime imagelet:

Now, when ever you feel yourself about to commit a hate crime (or thought crime or sex crime) by posting, you can tag the post as such. That will make it easy for me (or the state or the UN) to come after you and erase your post. Its super plus fun!
via LGF
(Found when I was searching for a ham image. I think I messed myself.)
Lessee if this works:
The idea is to use the Snapper preview service to cache and display images for me. I don't have to upload, store and serve the image from my website, and I also don't steal bandwidth from 3yen by embedding their link in my page.
But bacon tastes good, sausages taste good, pork chops taste good.
Now they're going to outlaw pork as being the other white meat...
3 Posted by B-Rad on April 20, 2007 05:47 PM (Ri74D)