Websites that Rock, #2

Ever try to design a webpage?  Seems simple.  You have a set number of elements you wish to place on the page.  You place them on the page in a manner that seems appealing.  You review your work.

It looks like shit.

How the hell do you take your content, organize it, size it, and place it on your webpage in a way that looks even slightly good?  The first step is to read this article, "Grids are Good":

This is the best tutorial for web design that has ever been made.  Read it, learn it, live it.  I don't need to tell you to love it, because you will. 

If the person is so good at webdesign, why is it a pdf?

I hate pdf.

1 Posted by bagel on October 09, 2007 12:21 PM (NcnWz)

I despise them too.  I, personally, would like to welcome our new XPS overlords. 

PDFs are barely portable, Acrobat is full of fail, and Adobe is gay (except for Photoshop, but they're doing their best to Acrobaticize it).

2 Posted by McGurk on October 15, 2007 06:35 PM (Ri74D)

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