More shits, possibly giggles


More images to play with.  Also thinking about adjusting the syntax for all the little image things I have on the blarg . 

Oh, sorry, this guy is Bigfoot.  He's a bit special.  Not falling off the building special, but too much happy smoke special.  Here's the syntax for his tag:

[huh(.small | .large){.left | .right }]

I'm thinking about doing the same for all other imagelets.  Anything within ( )s is requried, anything within { }s is optional, everything else is required.  There are, and will be for every imagelet from now on, two versions--large (128x128) and small (64x64).  Any imagelet can be placed inline or can float to the left or right of the current paragraph.  I'll trust you can figure out which is which.

Just to make it obvious, here's examples of each:


Here's a large bigfoot Huh? placed inline.


Here's a small bigfoot Huh? placed inline.


Here's a small bigfoot floating left.Huh?


Here's a large bigfoot floating left.Huh?



Here's a small bigfoot floating right.



Here's a large bigfoot floating right.


Please, enjoy responsibly.

Press butan, recieve imagelet. Hover for preview. Imagelets are pasted at the end of your comment. Think ahead.

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