So, I've decided to shut this blarg
down. Yep, this is my last post. I know you're all horribly disappointed.
Things have gotten very intense at work lately. I'm heading up a major project here, and its eating up all the spare time I have for my side projects. So, rather than let this blarg
languish, I'm going to cap it off and say goodbye.
Personally, I blame my friends. RJ, BB, WJ, BH (!!!!), and a few others, who failed to post even after several beatings were dolled out. An empty blarg
is a sad blarg
. And my blarg
was sadder than most.
But seriously, its been fun helping Pixy beta test his/her/its new blarg
software. Thanks for the opportunity, and my best wishes to you in this and future ventures.
Thanks also to those other'ers that came by every once in awhile to check things out or comment. Especially Old Grouch, whose blarg
is looking very nice. I really need to get over there more often.
For you Ace veterans, you might see me sneaking in the Open Blog back door every once in awhile to completely kill the post flow with some lame thing or another.
I've learned a few things with this blarg
. But probably the biggest thing (to me, at least) was that I truly don't like politics mixing in where it doesn't belong, specifically in a blarg
that deals with programming. If I ever start another blarg
, it's going to be programming only; no political bullshit. I'll save that for my personal life. Mixing my profession with politics left me with a bad taste. It truly doesn't belong. And its kind of asshole-ish to crowbar the two together. I just don't want to be one of those people who does it.
Thanks again to everyone, and good luck.
Well nuts. I guess now I have to remove your sidebar link.
Seriously, when you get time do the programming thing. IMO you have a lot of useful things to say. And do the politics at Ace's. Works for me.
See you in the comments!
1 Posted by Old Grouch on October 20, 2007 05:33 PM (f4kkX)
Dude, I am on the same big project as you, as well as my other project that a certain co-worker refuses to take the reigns on, if you do not have time to post how can you expect me to?
I like the politics aspect but i agree that injecting them in to programming does kind of throw the whole thing off, there are probably some good programmers out there with some good ideas but i cannot get past thier F*&^ BUSH statments long enough to take them seriously. On the other hand, It is also my opinion that Programming blargs need a little more than just programming, otherwise i could just Read a muaf*^&^&* book and eliminate my monthly donation to the fat cat phone company who charges way too much for way too little.
Sorry, and this does upset me some, but i will see you at the bar where we will pour a beer out for the blarg, SHOTS!!!!!
2 Posted by notmcgurk on November 05, 2007 03:38 PM (Ri74D)
3 Posted by Spis on May 01, 2008 04:59 AM (X3ZIK)
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Hai, guize. What's going on? Yeah. Oh, me? Just working on a real important presentation. You know, direction of the company, stuff like that.
Anyhow, thought you might be interested in reading about 32 ways to keep your blarg from sucking. I'm gonna get right on a couple of thems. Bye for now...
Well, had a nice post worked up on MS' Acropolis worked up and just about ready to go. Then the edit control ate it.
A word of warning for my fellow beta testers--don't trust the edit control. If your post is going to be longer than one paragraph, do it in Notepad or something.
Here's what I did:
- Wrote about 1000 words on Acropolis
- Accidentally hit ctrl-z, which "undid" my last paragraph
- Hit ctrl-r, which in any normal application, would "redo" what I "undid", but which actually reloaded the page
- Stared at the empty edit box
- Cried
Do not, repeat DO NOT trust the goddamn edit control.
Ouch! I feel your pain. (Though it seems I recall that keyboard shortcuts in webaps are frequently wonky.)
1 Posted by Old Grouch on June 04, 2007 08:34 PM (Aphc4)
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Minor update
Just a small update--I added an awards section to the sidebar. Check it out! I'm so proud. *sniff*
Imagelet previews
Added some neat CSS code to my imagelet butans on the comment page. Now, when you hover over them, an image preview pops up.
Unfortunately, I don't have much control over where it shows up right now. I'd have to use some javascript to do that. For now, its just a nice little heads-up so that you know what image you're adding.
Doing a reset on my css. Enjoy chaos.
K, getting tighter. I don't have the issue of the exploding fonts anymore. I'm not exactly sure why this is.
I trimmed down some of the CSS, removing stuff I didn't see on the front page, and totally destroyed the layout on the admin pages. And since the template isn't under our control, I couldn't sort it out all that well (damn divs wouldn't float nicely).
1 Posted by McGurk on April 19, 2007 03:29 AM (8GzzQ)
I need to do something about my imagelet (is that what I called them?) anchors... Add a mouseover preview and shizzle... Put them in a listbox; something.
2 Posted by McGurk on April 19, 2007 03:31 AM (8GzzQ)
I'm thinking of changing the edit pages so that they pull in the default CSS instead of your personal one. It's too easy to mess them up at the moment.
3 Posted by Pixy Misa on April 19, 2007 04:13 AM (PiXy!)
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Hacking the Innova Editor
I'm currently trying to hack the fuk outta the Innova Editor. That's the control that I'm using right now to write this, and that nobody's using to reply to this post.
Look down; you see links! Those are all the images I have now. Just click the link and it'll insert the code for the item at the end of the editor. I'll be adding image previews and other stuff for them soon...
1 Posted by McGurk on April 18, 2007 09:06 PM (Ri74D)
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Things are getting seriously fucked up
K, the font zaniness that has affected my post comment page has now transferred to my front page. Weird, since I just completely changed the post comment page by overlaying the template for the front page on it. If anything front page nonsense should have shown up in the post page.
I might have an open tag somewhere, or there might be some faggotry going on with the CSS. I'll investigate later tonight.
Update: K, dusted off FF and NS to take a look at the site. There were a couple issues with layout that I changed for our friends who use the cool browsers. I repositioned the page controls so that they don't render far to the right of the webpage, and straightened out all the Technorati stuff.
The font issue--I'm not sure what the hell happened. All of a sudden all my fonts doubled in size on my home and work machines (three total). Its a little hard to debug when the page is made of subpages that are sitched together at runtime. But it appears that the mozilla based browsers kept the font size reasonable. Goddamn, I hate HTML, XHTML and all the other web technologies. Thanks, W3C, for writing shit specs that nobody can agree on how to implement. Dicks.
Grouchy, pls check with your 1337 browser and see if anything odd is still going on, thanks.
Shift-reloaded, still okay. Leaving a comment now...
1 Posted by Pixy Misa on April 17, 2007 10:48 PM (PiXy!)
Looks just fine in Firefox.
2 Posted by Pixy Misa on April 17, 2007 10:48 PM (PiXy!)
Well, I'm not sure my fonts appeared to balloon on three different machines. I went in and shrunk all the fonts (x-small is now the default). Some of the padding and margins of my divs also somehow got fucked up. I really don't know what exactly happened...
3 Posted by McGurk on April 18, 2007 04:23 AM (8GzzQ)
Hi, McGurk. What I'm seeing right now is a tiny font, about 1/2 the height of the monospaced font in the non-WYSIWYG comment entry box. (This is on the XP machine running K-Meleon.) Want a screenshot?
4 Posted by Old Grouch on April 18, 2007 05:01 AM (vUSHi)
If you think the page doesn't look correct, then please, I'd appreciate it.
5 Posted by McGurk on April 18, 2007 01:33 PM (Ri74D)
Okay, on the Win98 machine, your post font is now the same size as the one on my page. Now checking the XP machine, pls stand by...
6 Posted by Old Grouch on April 18, 2007 03:43 PM (+E8+c)
...and it looks the same (that is, "normal") over here. (The font size at 5:01 was the same as in the "posted by" line in the comments.) Wierd!
OT- which template did you use to control the background color on the posts? I tried the post DIV in the post template, and wound up highlighting the individual text lines.
7 Posted by Old Grouch on April 18, 2007 03:50 PM (KyCzn)
Now, are you referring to the posts or the individual comments?
Each post is merged with the Item.Post template, which is then merged into the Index.Entry template where it says [posts:here].
Each comment is merged with the Item.Comment template, and then is merged into the Item.Post template where it says [post.comments].
I've got code in the comment template that should (and it appears to on my end) highlight my comments in a lighter color. I attempted to do something similar so that you can see your own comments easier, but it didn't work...
8 Posted by McGurk on April 18, 2007 04:50 PM (Ri74D)
Well, both [assume smiley here]
For the posts, I had tried changing the template by adding "background-color=[some value]" code to the <div id="a[]"> tag. That's what gave me the "highlighted text" appearance.
I'm not seeing an item.comment template in my list (I've got "" and ""). Is that something I have to create?
And yes, your bi-color comment backgrounds are visible here. Noted and admired.
9 Posted by Old Grouch on April 18, 2007 06:22 PM (k8zOE)
Get your Item.Comment template here. Just copy the text into a new template (type: Item, name: Comment) and modify to your heart's content!
Note that at the resources URL there are a few templates that don't exist yet in our template list. If you want to control how they look, just create the appropriate template, paste in the text from the template, and change away. The template you add will override the default template.
10 Posted by McGurk on April 18, 2007 09:04 PM (Ri74D)
Thanks! I'll run along and play now.
11 Posted by Old Grouch on April 18, 2007 09:32 PM (k8zOE)
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More shits, possibly giggles
More images to play with. Also thinking about adjusting the syntax for all the little image things I have on the blarg
Oh, sorry, this guy is Bigfoot. He's a bit special. Not falling off the building special, but too much happy smoke special. Here's the syntax for his tag:
Well, Pixie got sorting fixed in the current release. Unfortunately, [posts:here sort=updated] considers that a comment is an update. So if you set sort=updated in your Entry template, when anybody comments on a post the whole thing gets bumped to the top.