Balls of steel

Protip:  3.33 in (or rather, from the end, as apparently YouTube is now counting down) you shit bricks. 

Here's a quiz.  Which is worse?

  1. Writing an 11 page SQL query
  2. Editing an 11 page SQL query to shoehorn in new conditionals in about fourty different places to add a new bullshit feature that pretty much only one customer will ever use and we'll never see our money back on?

Happy 7/7/7 bitches!

We won't be able to party again like this until 8/8/8!  Or something!

Video blarg is video.  Gayest water fountain.  Ever.

Videoblarg hooray!

So I'm a little on the busy side. Here's another neat video. Protip: 3 minutes in and you shit bricks.

Bullshit Post by: McGurk at 04:40 PM | Reply

Douche Chills

Douche chill, [doosh chil], noun phrase. Douche chills, douche chiller, doushy.

This one just tickles me

I'm not sure why; it doesn't really apply.  I don't think.  It'd have been better if it was Carter, no doubt.  But who doesn't like laughing at Algor?

lol mofo

Omfg.  I have to totally steal this from Ace.

My Governor Rocks

This is kinda old, but I just commented about it over at A Dick in NorCal and the comment was of such great quality that I decided to make a post about it.

I love my governor.  I think his name is Sanford, like Sanford & Sons.  Or something.  Anyhow, he recently vetoed a bill that would have the state pay for the primaries for the democrats and republicans.  Like they are anything other than loosely associated with government. 

Last time I checked (and I do, often) the Constitution doesn't say a goddamn word about political parties.  The sheer balls, them wanting us to pay for their shit.  Sheer.  Balls.

Sunburn advice

So My face is all peeled, and my shoulders are still nice and red, but not painful anymore.  I just wanted to pass along props to Maximum Strength Cortizone 10.  Don't buy it on Amazon, just go to any store and it'll be in the red and white box. 

I don't know if my burn would have been any worse without it, but its worked perfectly for me.  It keeps the itching down, helps keep my skin's moisture content up, and improved my general well being.  It claims to have aloe in it, but it has to be sooooo minimal because it comes off very easily.  My only complaint is that its white and takes a bit to sort of melt into your skin.  So don't put it on your face and expect to go outside immediately.  Unless you live in San Fran, in which case you'll probably not even be noticed. 

Just put some on my shoulders and it feels nice and cooling, and the itchyness is going down.  Great stuff.

Bullshit Post by: McGurk at 06:21 PM | Reply

New and Notable #1

I'm blatantly stealing Sam Gentile's "New and Notable" linkdump.  Check out his blarg; it's great for those interested in the latest .NET development technologies.

I wanted to link to an awesome article over at Opinion Journal by Joshua Muravchik about the democracy/tyranny dynamic and how it relates to the start of modern wars and our current struggles in Afghanistan and Iraq.  Thanks to Charles, the dirty neocon hippie, for the link to the article.

I'm pretty busy right now reading Visual Studio Team System:  Better software development for Agile teams.  You can take a peek at the book website here.  Its a great book.  There, that's my review.  I think I'll do a more extensive one when I'm done.  Until then, if you're a .NET programmer and you're looking at implemeting some flavor of Agile, check this book out.  Its exactly what you need.

Like wikipedia?  Ever thought that having a wiki would be a great way to store and organize information for yourself or maybe your business?  Then why haven't you gone to MediaWiki, downloaded the same software that is used by Wikipedia, and installed it on your machine?  Yes, you don't need  a linux boxen to run a wiki; you can serve it right out of IIS on your XP box if you want.  It is definitely cool when a great software product like Wikipedia is freely available via open source.  I'm planning on setting up a dev wiki at my workplace to store and share information among developers, which will eventually supplement whatever Team System websites are created for our projects.

And, lastly, ever wonder how the mouse cursor works?

Bullshit Post by: McGurk at 01:36 PM | Reply

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